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I always wanted them to grow into C cups, but alas it was not meant to be. I wanted C’s for a fashion statement, as a nice accessory to go with my outfits, like a great pair of earrings. Besides, C’s would look much better in a heavy sweater or in a bathing suit than my B+’ers. I continued to scope out the landscape, turning a bit to glimpse the curve of my rear and how it sloped into my legs. ‘Not bad old girl’, I said. The cheeks still defy gravity and the legs look tight. When I was 22, I attributed my shape to a great pair of jeans, now 20 years later, I know that it is due to a great set of genes. I have never been one to work hard on my body, I am among the fortunate, undeserving few who for whatever reason stay thin in spite of aging and eating. I do aerobics pretty regularly and keep fairly active throughout the day. I am sure that has helped, but I do that for relaxation not body shaping. The final stop on my self-inspection was a short glance at the dark area of kinky hair. We make love while I provide her reward for the risks she took on Chaos. The first week on Crossroads with a Damsel is always the same: making love, restoratives, meals, and making love with very little sleep. After a week they seem to settle down a bit and I get time for a regular sleep as well as a little time to do other things, but not much.On the twenty-sixth day after our return I get an odd feeling about Nina. It strengthens on the next day and is very strong on the day after. I get up and go to the table to think on this odd feeling. I’m sitting there drinking a cup of hot chocolate when Nina walks in and says, “I’m with child.” Merry and Kira scream with delight. It’s at that point I realise the odd feeling I had was my recognising the just conceived child. It must be something to do with the translator implant causing a change. It’s also at that point I realise I’ve not seen the other Damsels or Timms since I arrived, and I wonder where they are.Nina gives me a hug and a.
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