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I’ve been working late like this for several years and have always been completely alone in the building, or so I thought. One night, a few months after my gangbang, I was working late and getting bored crunching numbers. Just for a bit of a thrill I decided to take off my cloths and work in the buff. I don’t know if anyone driving past on the freeway could see anything or not, but it was a turn on just thinking they might see me. Since it was dark out, and the building is brightly lit inside with floor to ceiling windows, it is possible. That first night I worked at my desk as usual. The next night as soon as everyone left for the day I went downstairs to the break room, disrobed, left my cloths on the lunch table, and went back up to my office and back to work. Sometimes I hear things in the building, so I left my cloths behind so I couldn’t lose my nerve and cover up at every little noise. When I’m finished working I go downstairs, get dressed and go home. That’s my late night. He gave her immediate access to Ensign Wallace.With the standard Marine enhancement package Ensign Wallace no longer looked like a geek, but only a dedicated nerd could have the focus required to run the hundreds of simulations that he created using what was known about the stars in the suspected Sa'arm section of the Orion Spur. Wallace calculated that a K'treel class explorer should be able to locate a planet matching the criteria in about a year. It would need three months to get into the target area and another nine months of searching.Major Wilson reviewed Ensign Wallace's results. It was clear to her that three small ships should be used to conduct the search, with a fourth ship acting as command and control as well as providing transportation for the ground units.The sensors recommended by Ensign Wallace allowed spectral and gravitational analysis of stars as well as atmosphere analysis of planets. High-resolution laser and radar systems permitting detail mapping of the.
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