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Naturally, I had my eye on the girl of my dreams- Suzie Lawsonitingshiremont. Looking back, all I can think is, "What a dumb fucking name." That, and she had tits. Big tits. Large, firm ones. The kind that, if you think long enough, you'll be tempted to go up and touch them just to check if they're real, only to get slapped across the face. But I am digressing rapidly.Suzie was beautiful. She had long, perfectly tanned hair, the cutest fucking nose (if that's possible, I have yet to see any documentation on nasal sex), beautiful collagen-injected lips, and the most well defined hips and ass you can expect from someone whom I fondly remembered from my school days. Suzie would always come to school dressed in these short, tight outfits. She was always getting into trouble with the teachers who told her she dressed like a whore. She just batted her heavily made-up eyes, smacked her gum and said, "Whatever!" So poetic.So anyway, one day I was walking home from school, as I do every day.. But there was no response for nearly 8 days and I waited for that. At last a mail came to me that his name was John* and he was a call-boy. I took his number and called him. He lifted and said “Who is it?” and I replied that my name is Anjali and I wanted his services for a single night and he replied that he is free on coming Sunday and he is coming to my house, I gave him my address and contact number, he said yes and ended the call. I was so happy and only thing that concerned I am how I should send my hubby out on Sunday! At last the Sunday came and my hubby was getting ready for a reunion function of his college friends and he said that he will be coming late at night and he said that don’t wait. I couldn’t believe my ears and luck. I was about to jump with happiness, at last he moved away. At 10 clocks sharp I heard the door bell ringing; I got up and opened the door. I saw a handsome young man was standing in front of me. He introduced himself as John, and I introduced myself.
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